Archive for the Daily Update Category

Momma wants some cake.

Posted in Daily Update, vegan substitutes with tags , , , , on January 14, 2010 by Mrs.Griffin

So who has the best roommate ever?!

ME. That’s who.

My birthday was this week and she was awesome enough to buy me some vegan cake from a bakery here in town. And OMG was it amazing. Word’s can not describe the flavor  explosion in my mouth. Here’s some pics:


Chocolote & Kahlua and Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookie Crunch


Sweet Life Patisserie


I turned 21 again!!

So it was delish, and my birthday was so much fun and she and I are taking a trip to that bakery so I can stock up on goodies!

It’s been a while.

Posted in Daily Update, The Bet. with tags , , , , on January 11, 2010 by Mrs.Griffin

So, since I last posted lots of changes have happened. For starters- I moved 3000 miles away from Florida and am a fresh resident of Eugene, Oregon! It was sort of a sudden change, but I am now living with Shmitty, the original bet-er, and she and I are attempting to achieve a vegan lifestyle together, but cheese is still the #1 culprit. A good portion of our meals are vegan, though. We’ve done a lot of experimenting with faux meats, which, I’ll tell you what, can be friggin delish, but we’d like to pull away from those.

Some personal discoveries:

I still HATE tofu. K- not really a discovery, but I’ve tried. A lot.

New and rare ingredients are fun, not only to attempt to find, but use.

Oregon has so many options for me! Love that people know what being a vegan means and that restaurants have options.

I’m not just doing this because I’m competitive anymore (see paragraph 3). This means a lot more to me now. I’m still not interested in preaching to everyone who still partakes in eating meat, but I encourage everyone to think about where their food is coming from and what they are ingesting. And rent Food, Inc.!!!! This is bigger than me and my health (which is still incredibly important) but the food industry is incredibly effed up- and the general public just turns a blind eye because the problem has gotten so vast. America needs some serious change, and for the love, we need to put a serious slow down on our consumption and reliance on corn.

Meat Loving Vegan = more of a Meat Loving Vegetarian

Posted in Daily Update, Noteworthy Info, The Bet. with tags , , , , , on December 30, 2008 by Mrs.Griffin

Okay okay – I took a hiatus from the blog.

It’s a lot of responsibility keeping up with a blog, you know.  I can barely keep up with reading all of the ones I have in my reader, let alone post regularly…  BUT, I am going to try really, really hard.

As for the bet, I technically won.  Shmitty and JP both gave in under different circumstances, and have since resumed living normal lives with normal diets.  I’d also like to point out no money has exchanged hands (!!), looks like I got cheated…  oh well.  I did lose like 6 lbs, that counts for something, right…

Now, I haven’t exactly kept up with religiously being vegan.  Cheese got the best of me.  But, I have managed to stay vegetarian.  And it’s good.  I don’t miss meat all that much, and if I do, I won’t deprive myself the craving, but it has yet to have happened.

So, I am going to start posting recipes again, and useful information.  The name of the blog may be a little deceiving now, but I’ll try to keep it as vegan as possible, I’ll at least try to add vegan substitutes.

I recently made cranberry pecan shortbread cookies from The Innocent Primate Vegan Blog and was quite satisfied with the results.  I gave them as a gift, and from what I understand, they were enjoyed!

I am going to work on finding slow-cooker recipes, because I bought one as a Christmas present to myself.  I love the idea of coming home from work to a delicious smelling hot meal that I slave over just long enough to put all the ingredients in a pot  :]

So, check back soon – I promise I’ll start posting stuff!

The Cupcake Staredown.

Posted in Daily Update, The Bet. with tags , , , , , , on October 31, 2008 by Mrs.Griffin


Last night I was attending a meeting and someone did the unthinkable!  She brought Halloween cupcakes for all to enjoy!  Everyone around me was enjoying the little savories, and I went as far as to ask her if she made them and whether there was egg in them.  Alas, I held strong and just eye’d the sugar filled yum-yums from across the room…

On a happier note, this morning while I was scavenging the kitchen for work snacks, I looked at the Lender’s Bagel’s bag and was elated to find that they contained NO animal by-products!!!  WOOT.  Not all is lost, I can still enjoy bagels.

I am going to lunch with a friend today, probably sushi, so, I need to some research on imitation crab  ;]  And at least I won’t be going after all the yummy chocolate candy this Halloween, and fortunately alcohol is sans animal by-products!  I’d be screwed if that were the case…

btw – Shmitty set up her own blog to throw in her two-cents on the situation!